1970s Oh How I Love Theee....
I was born in the 80s, however my heart has always been in the 70s ❤
So when I was given the task this week of styling a music video with the styling being heavily influenced from the 1970s era. My face and heart immediately beamed with pure delight as I absolutely freakin' love this time of living.
I started first going through old photos of my Mum sporting her colourful playsuits, high waist denim flares with her super high platforms and not forgetting my Mommies afro (which was always on point). My research then went into YouTube overdrive as I delved through the highly sort for musicians at the time Diana Ross, The Jackson 5, Marvin Gaye, Gil Scott Heron, The Bee Gees, then to the new skool- Andre 3000, Bruno Mars and oh my how the list goes on...
I watched films like 'Endless Love' with Brooke Shields which was originally based on the 1970s novel by Scott Spencer. Reading over magazines and books written in the era to get a raw essence of how fashion and lifestyle was at the time.
Oh and finally I got into the shopping, and how I love me some shopping lol.
I could go on and on about every detail about what I got upto this week however that means this write up will be several pages long ;-), however I will end on saying it gave me 'LIFE'... I love my job and how I get to visit different places, cultures, meet new people and live a new decade once in a while.
Please follow these instructions its essential.
- Press play on the following video
- Watch the first 30 seconds
- Then close your eyes and pretend you are with Diana Ross as she sings "Chain Reaction"
- & ultimately, just enjoy the sounds of great music and the positive spirit it brings
Peace Out Ya'll..