Award Season- Here's Some Of Our Favourite Music Moments in Film

As award season gets into full swing its important we recognise all the categories highlighted on the night and one of the categories I feel is often cruelly overlooked is the award for Best Score. Sometimes we take for granted just how important a films score is to escorting us on the journey alongside the script and actors' performances. Over the years its safe to say that musical choices have been responsible for stealing many a scene so its only right we take a look at some of those moments where melody and visuals meet so perfectly that they change the way we think and feel, even just for those 90 minutes.

28 Days Later


Dont worry if the music sounds familiar despite never having seen the film- this piece has appeared in various other places since its release in 2007. "In The House, In A Hearbeat" has managed to really establish itself as the go to piece when you want to enhance the drama. Originally set to the "Jims Revenge" scene the clawing pace of the piece and stomach curling crescendo tug at every possible string of the heart to create an inescapable setting for what you are seeing. In a rare crossover of sorts composer John Murphy has managed to successfully manoeuvre the song into the world of mainstream media with high profile uses for Strongbow and Samsung along with other film uses, most notably Kick Ass 2.


Chariots Of Fire


Fish and Chips, Jay and Bey, Up and Down- sometimes two things are so closely associated with each other that it is impossible to think of one without the other and the same can be said for Sport and Vangelis' "Chariots Of Fire". The infamous piece has been used under clips of Sports event since its debut in the 1981 film of the same name. No one can ever forget the opening scene where Nigel havers and the boys in white run down that gloomy looking beach. The piece helped Vangelis to go on to win the Best Score Oscar at the 54th Academy Awards and also played a part in the film taking home "Best Picture".

Django unchained

Django Unchained

Very few directors are as involved in the music in their films as Quentin Tarantino. I mean who could forget Pulp Fictions iconic dance number with Uma Thurman and John Travolta set magnificently to Chuck Berry's "You Never Can Tell". But sometimes he manages to knock you sideways with his choice just as he did with 2012's Django Unchained. My favourite scene is where the group make their way to Candyland and Rick Ross "100 Black Coffins" plays. The genius that is Mr Tarantino manages to inject hip hop in to 1850's America without missing a step. The song written by the Ricky Rose and the films lead actor Jamie Foxx works on so many levels- not least because in a film about slavery you have an extremely modern song by a black American who often brags about riches that would have him rivalling the likes of Monsieur Candy.


Honourable mentions

Rocky - Gonna Fly Now - Bill Conti

Psycho - Bernard Herrmann

Lion King- Circle Of Life - Elton John & Tim Rice


SHORT FILM: Ben Aston - "Dinner and a Movie"


FASHION: Stussy x Patta 10th Anniversary Lookbook Just Arrived