INSPIRATION: Haas and Hahn - Favela Painting Initiative

Dutch artists Haas and Hahn aka Jeroen Koolhaas and Dre Urhahn rose to prominence in 2007 when they launched their Favela Painting initiative – a community driven project that focused on painting the favelas of Rio de Janeiro to bring residents closer together and introduce art to impoverished neighbourhoods. 

I actually first heard of Haas and Hahn through fellow TSG member Naomi Gray.

Even though this was a while ago, I distinctively remember the excitement on her face as she told me about her brief encounter with Jeroen and Dre; and about how they both inspired her. I then read an article on the two amazing men, and the initiative that they had found; and I too was instantly blown away by their selfless courage and drive.

What started out as a social experiment, had quickly turned into an extraordinary tale.

Watch below.

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Favela Painting


TV: Beyonce - 'Life Is But A Dream' (Full Length Documentary)


SHORT: Cole Schreiber - Rest