INTRODUCING: Spoken Word Artist Hrsh Reyalitee


"Lyrical manifestations are like God, they never come when you want them but their always on time"

True words spoken from artist Hrsh Reyalitee. Spoken work is an art-form that always speaks volume to me, there is something about someone delivering a piece of themselves with an instrument most of us have been given that makes me dig deep in my thoughts, Hrsh Reyalitee is one of those artist that make you want to reevaluate situations and rejoice in your artistry; and for that I thank her. No doubt The Street Gypsies will be attending one of her live performances when in NYC this summer, but if you are there on April 16th, get yourself down to Art Love(her) Open Mic Presentation, below you will find more information.

Hrsh Reyalitee - Feind

Hrsh Reyalitee - Warning




SALUTE: Big Mama Thornton Wails Her Way Deliciously Through 'Hound Dog.'


OLD: Bryan Adams - "Everything I Do, I Do It For You"