EXHIBITION: Karl Blossfeldt at The Whitechapel Gallery

Karl_Blossfeldt_Cajophora_lateritia__Loasaceae_1932_110_129 We rarely stop to look closely at things. In our lifestyle if we want to see something we Google it, when passing hundred of plants, flowers every day we are staring into our screens of bouquets on instagram. This exhibition is an intimate look at the complexity and alienness of plants under microscopic vision in all its strange beauty.


With over 80 images by Blossfeldt, his study of flora might have been for the purposes of scientific research but instead he managed to create a style of photography that is both surreal and artistic.

I can imagine people thinking these are essentially pictures of plants however the details of every hair on a thistle, the curl of the creepers and turns of a leaf are all wondrous. Every miniscule detail is fascinating from the strange construction of an almost sculpture like disposition to the elegant femininity that some possess.


This isn’t just a collection of plants, it is beautifully artistic. It’s an inspection of what already exists around us and an invitation to see the reality of its every fibre. This exhibition is a testament to Blossfeldt’s work in this field.

 This exhibition is free

16th April ­– 14th June 2013



FASHION: Pharrell x Mark McNairy Creates SWAT Team Inspired, BBC BLACK


INTRODUCING: Dillon Cooper - "State Of Elevation" [MUSIC]