NEW: American Girl Group 'Haim'

haim1 As sunny as their home of Los Angeles,  Haim's music radiates such a sunny disposition that it will leave you jumping up and down on your sofa as you attempt to recite lyrics that you've yet to learn (yes, I did this more than once); just listen to their song 'Forever' and my point will be proven. I love the nostalgic feeling that I get when I listen to Haim's sound of 80's pop snyth; and how their infectious music is complimented with a look that screams Woodstock 69.  It would be great to see the girls duet with artists such as Solange; whose song 'Loosing You' has that same eighties-movie-soundtrack-esque vibe that I dig so much .

Checkout Haim's new video 'Falling' below:

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