Pharrell Williams Releases The World's First 24-Hours Video to New Single 'Happy'

Pharrell Williams never ceases to amaze me! The rapper, singer, producer, designer and all round entrepreneur has just released the world's first 24-hours music video ever made! The single 'Happy' is taken from the Despicable Me 2 soundtrack, The interactive visuals is choreographed by Fatima Robinson and features a host of guest appearances from Steve Carell, Odd Future, Jimmy Kimmel, Dancers, Actors, Moms...the list goes on. I have to be honest, I have watched about 30 minutes of the video so far and I'm not entirely sure that I will be watching the whole 24 hours, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't! Just make sure you tell us your best bits. :-)

Below you can watch the first 4 hours, if you then decide the watch the rest then you can do so here.


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