Street Gypsies, meet Shamir Bailey

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Shamir Bailey sits at the head of the table, plotting the revival of chic disco/house. He’s a 19-year-old musician/singer/rapper hailing from North Las Vegas, Nevada. "If It Wasn’t True" (GODMODE Records) his debut track, will no doubt find its way into the late night sound sessions hosted by the mean kids. Idobi Radio's creative director,  Sherin Nicole reminisces, “He's taking me back to summers in Chicago with my girls—Inner City's “Good Life” playing in the shops; riding the MetraRail from the west suburbs into the city, with Little Louis’ “French Kiss” as the soundtrack along the way.”  Shamir’s follow-up track I'll Never Be Able to Love Again showcases a vocal range that's hauntingly androgynous yet powerful. By the last chorus, you're left with “See, Regina, fetch is going to happen!” ( a la Mean Girls).  For those without a seat at the table, that means, Shamir’s music is royal.  #CATCHTHAT #wxsquared


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