TSG Says.... Do You!!!

217641_10151999911605268_1761781030_n I thought I would make this post short, precise and to the point focal-point being POSITIVITY.

I found this image above on a friends twitter page, and instantly it resonated deeply within me.

Throughout my life I have overcome my fair amount of trials and tribulations to get to where I am now, and I understand that I still have a few more to go as life is not plain sailing. However, I have never given up on my dreams/goals/ambitions for my career and personal life and believe that everything that is suppose to happen will happen in due time if I keep focused and continue to work hard.

I just wanted to leave you with a note of motivation, and to say- 'Keep on, Moving on' don't ever stop believing in yourself even if everyone else does. Stay strong, be real and honest with yourself; if things are not working out make adjustments to kick start your motor again. Always stay as positive and don't allow that one ounce of doubt dwell in your home. Surround yourself with people who love, care and only have the best intentions for you.


That doesn't mean be self centred and selfish and to stop looking after others. It means take care of No.1, as you can only have a positive domino like effect on others around you.

p.s. I will have more fashion updates for you soon I just wanted to share this message with you as it's so easy to forget.

That's All. One Love.

Naomi X


EVENTS: Fashion Glossary x D.R.A.G.


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