TV: I Love Lena Dunham; But, Has 'GIRLS' Lost Its Magic?

As my close friends will tell you, I can’t get enough of Lena Dunham. I think she’s an amazing talent; and I’m currently toying with the idea of marrying her, and writing a joint screenplay with her about the woes and joys of our interracial hipster relationship; however, she may be disappointed in the fact that I’m not totally sold on the second season of her hit show  'GIRLS'.

It’s not that the season is bad; it’s just that it's not as good as the debut season that made me laugh-out-loud so frequently, it felt like I was high on Nitrous oxide. The first season of ‘GIRLS’ pulled me in so deep that I actually started to question my manhood; as a man, I normally find it quite difficult to connect to shows about women; however, Lena Dunham’s creation made me feel so connected to each of the four young New Yorkers.

My main gripe with the season thus far, would have to be the sudden muting of Zosia Mamet's character Shoshanna; let it be known, I only watch this show for Hannah and Shoshanna (oh, that rhymes). Perhaps, this is just that feeling one gets when they’re faced with the second season of their favourite show; it happened to me with ‘The Wire’; and my friends seem to have had similar experiences with shows that they've initially loved. It’s as though the second series can never possess that ‘love-at-first-sight’ moment that  one has with the  first season that kept them up  late at night watching episodes back to back on dodgy online TV websites (yes, this is my life).

But I implore you all to continue supporting ‘GIRLS’. Although I don’t think the season has found its feet yet; it is still hilarious nonetheless; and my wife to be is continuing to deliver quality with her comedic timing and witty lines. I also love the choice of Childish Gambino as one of Dunham’s love interests; feels like she’s backslapping all those critics who were in uproar last year regarding the lack of minorities in the first season. Even more amazing than that, I love that Dunham finally gave her mother, Laurie Simmons a cameo in the show; I loved her mother in 'Tiny Furniture'. All in all, I’m glad to see that the show was given a new season by HBO; I just hope that season two finds some of that magic from the previous season.


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