Clark Kent’s Rock and Roll Revue #012: Meet DEADCUTS (part 1 of 2)
'At one time bands looked like a gang, now they look like gangs of farmers who have lost their pitch forks. They are so passive and ultimately tedious. Deadcuts are the real deal.' - Jerome Alexandre

- Clark Kent a.k.a John Clay
Clark Kent's Rock and Roll Revue is sub-edited by Kate Shall
Goodfellas were entertaining but this issue see's me indulging in the dark side of Rock n Roll. Ready?
Deadcuts are a band I've been meaning to see live for ages but my schedule and theirs has always been at odds. The main reason I want to see them is because their guitarist and co-front man, Jerome Alexandre is a cool cat. Plus, his old outfit, The Skuzzies were ACE. So I'm thankful to have been invited to see Deadcuts at The Stags Head (Hoxton) where none other than Pete Docherty is slated as the support act.
Deadcuts/Pete Docherty
29th October 2013
The Stags Head
55 Orsman Road
N1 5RA London, United Kingdom
This ought to be an interesting scenario as I'm not a Babyshambles fan and aside from that wonderful This is For Lovers track he did with Wolfman, I'm not a massive fan of Pete's output in general. Perhaps tonight might sway me, as I've never heard any of his outfits live. That's where the real test is, right? So yeah, Deadcuts have been supporting Babyshambles on tour for a bit and it's time for me to see what all the fuss is about.
Deadcuts are photographed by Patricia Pericic, and don't they look great?

- Trevor (drums), Jerome (guitar vox), Mark K (guitar vox) and Mark M (bass master supreme).Trevor (drums), Jerome (guitar vox), Mark K (guitar vox) and Mark M (bass master supreme).
John Clay: Right then, firstly, thanks for being a guest here at The Street Gypsies! How the hell are you? How was the gig tonight? Feel free to invite anyone else on the tour bus into the convo, so long as they are happy to be on the record.
10/18, 12:56am
Mark Keds: brilliant.
Jerome Alexandre: nice and sweaty, with stage-diving and bleeding, that's what a real rock n roll show should be- a fitting reaction.
10/18, 1:00am
John Clay: Do you think that it's indicative of audiences outside of London? Are they harder work?
10/18, 1:02am
Mark Keds: A hundred times easier, London ave it too good.
Jerome Alexandre: That said Brixton academy was a gas a few weeks back, but it did lack the stage-diving @ Brixton.
10/18, 1:05am
John Clay: 'An Archetype that has been missing from the music world for some time, Risen once more to enlighten and seduce.' Tell me more about this missing archetype gentleman. Yup, I've done my research.
10/18, 1:18am
Jerome Alexandre: The good guy predominately seems to be at the forefront of music, acting or art. For instance I saw this one guy on x factor singing "stay positive..woo hoo" and I just thought why must we have wussy white boys with acoustic guitars being ignorant and indifferent to what's really going on? At one time bands looked like a gang, now they look like gangs of farmers who have lost their pitch forks. They are so passive and ultimately tedious. Deadcuts are the real deal and we join the realms of bands that not only had something to say but actually live the stories connected to the tunes.

- Jerome Alexander readying for Deadcuts gig at The Stags Head
10/18, 1:20am
John Clay: So you reckon that you're an antidote to a bad time in music history, or is it dangerous to believe oneself to be a cure?
10/18, 1:22am
Mark Keds: Self belief? its never dangerous bruv.
10/18, 1:23am
John Clay: Nice.
10/18, 1:24am
Jerome Alexandre: I don't think we're the cure, but we're certainly an alternative should someone lose utter faith in music..
Got to finish this one tomorrow buddy! Xx
10/18, 1:26am
John Clay: I'm currently in an interview with Damien Sayell, whose said, and I quote: 'The custom of making musicians seem like mythical beings is too ingrained into popular culture for us to be an answer to anything. Not that we strive or expect to be or have any answers.'
We can finish it whenever man, no worries... Keen to have it wrapped up around Sunday so as to post it sometime next week. Lovely chatting to you both so far.
Have fun on that tour-bus!
10/19, 12:05pm
Jerome Alexandre: Can we do some more in a few hours? Really like the questions and mark will be coming by x
10/19, 2:13pm
John Clay: A fine idea.
Deadcuts - 1) Dusk Chasers; 2) Speed Sisters
[jwplayer mediaid="9457"]
Yes, those are my dreads flicking into the camara every now and then
John Clay: Here's a question: Deadcuts, any significance to the name?
10/19, 3:12pm
Jerome: Every band at the moment seems to be on a light tip name wise, we thought we'd re-address the balance and bring back the dark dark dark...
10/19, 3:17pm
John Clay: I like it. Again though - and I mean this in a curious way, your name and perhaps even your material is reactionary, rather like the Pistols. Perhaps you need the light to validate your thrilling existence? Is there room for everybody?
10/19, 3:28pm
Jerome: Not really reactionary I mean if we are then we're not aware of it - were doing what comes most natural to us, and there are some light moments. I'd say there is room for people that are moved by what we do or feel a connection.
Right im gonna rehearse. Please send more I'm really enjoying this X
10/19, 3:38pm
John Clay: You are as intriguing an interview as I've imagined pal. Go have a blast at practice. And you readers ought to take a break...have a watch of some of Deadcuts material:
10/19, 4:32pm
John Clay: Tell me more about your poetry guys? Very thought provoking. Will you do any spoken word during shows?
[jwplayer mediaid="9428"]
Excerpt: Mark Keds reading an extract from the poem the burning bush the art of the bLackcHapel. Stepney. London. England JANUARY 2012
Like what you've read so far? Good! Expect the next part up here NEXT MONDAY EVE. As per usual, I shall endeavour to keep you in the loop. Subscribe to Street Gypsies and you shan't miss a beat ;)