FASHION: Agi & Sam X Topman Launches May 16th

topagi6-675x450 Topman hires up-and-coming menswear duo Agi & Sam to create a full designer collection.

The duo Sam Cotton and Agape Mdumulla first came to light in 2010 with the release of their signature bright prints and bright colours with a cheeky edge. The idea behind this collection is to have a football team called 'The Owls.' which Im sure you can tell by the clever use of colours and feathers.

When we started, we wanted to do something that was more kind of fun— fashion was so serious... To us it is just clothes," Cotton says.

We've been watching these two talented young designers grow and mature the past seasons under our sponsorship, and feel their aesthetic is very much in the Topman world," says Gordon Richardson, Topman's Creative director.

The premise of the collection was calling the soccer club 'The Owls.' And all the prints were inspired by owls themselves," Mdumulla explains.


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AGI & SAM FOR TOPMAN IS AVAILABLE IN STORES MAY 16. Will you be buying anything from the collection?



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