WEBISODE: Bonnaroo Superjam - The Return of D'angelo via Questlove

Questlove Once you have it, it just seems to always stay with you. D'Angelo is an artist in every sense of the word, this multi-talented musician has seen the highs and the lows of the entertainment industry; but with the right support and persistent the rainbow is always brighter after the storm.

During these 4 episodes we see ?estlove recruiting his version of a superband on the road to recreating the chemestry they had when working on D'angelo's classic VooDoo album. 

In this last episode (released today) we get an insight into the band revamping The Beatles classic “She Came In Through The Bathroom Window” written by Paul McCartney. This Bonnaroo Superjam episodes gives us a closer looks at what we have been waiting for for so many years and thats the return of D'angelo. This is D'angelo's first state-wise performance in over 12 years and telling from these episodes; not only does this man still moves his audience but has the ability to get musical gods like The Roots excited to work with him again. Checkout the 4 part series below.


Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4



FASHION: Agi & Sam X Topman Launches May 16th


NEW MUSIC: Talib Kweli's 'Rocket Ships'