SPOKEN WORD: Sophia Thakur and Chozen Breaks Down the Words "Just A Friend"

Spoken word artist Sophia Thakur and Chozen poetically tackles one of the main issue that infiltrates relationships. When you say someone is "Just A Friend" are you speaking for both parties? This subject matter can be tackled in numerous ways, This particular visual sees Sophia Thakur and Chozen break down the words "Just a Friend." with a professional (I think) present. It just shows you...sometimes something this isn't an issue to us; to our partners, it's the very thing that could be tearing our relationship at the seams. Enjoy.

SpokenReasons phenomenon Sophia Thakur and underground legend Chozen have continuously wowed crowds. 'Just A Friend' successfully tackles, and eloquently explains the 'sideman' issue. Having performed it a number of times to varying crowds in varying venues, the pair have received great feedback from all audiences. It has provoked though and debate every time with this being a topic that many are afraid to openly and seriously discuss.




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